
The Shame of our Culture

There’s a shame that’s a part of our culture,
it’s kept hidden away out of sight.
Some insist that it’s vital for mateship,
so they back up their friends, wrong or right.

It’s a shadow that darkens our culture
though ‘twas forged in the trauma of war.
When to stand by your mates was essential
Side by side. Back-to-back. Evermore.

It’s a weakness ingrained in our culture
that excuses our mates when they’re wrong.
Lets us close a blind eye to their failures,
give support just to show we belong.

There’s a violence that’s tainting our culture,
it turns men into bullies and bums.
They expect that their mates will support them
and some will, just to prove that they’re chums.

They’ve created a shameful new culture,
that belies what real men have fought for.
They belittle the weak and the pow’r-less,
treat all women as if they’re a whore.

Crims are raping and killing our culture,
while the pollies just stand by and look.
For they’re buying our votes with our taxes
‘stead of honouring the vows that they took.

Honest folk are ashamed of this culture
that our leaders do naught to amend.
Politicians don’t heed what we’re saying
Can’t believe that their tenure we’ll end.

So we think we can claim back our culture
by just giving the others our vote.
For they promised they’d crack down on violence
though the chances of that are remote.

An election creates its own culture
with core promises made just to win.
No respect for what’s truthful or honest
just churn out more political spin.

Let’s decide what we want from our culture.
Have the strength to reject all that’s wrong.
Show our mates what we really believe in.
Tell them “Nick off” or stand and be strong.

© Marty Langenberg 2018